Information letter

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Institute of psychology Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in

International anniversary scientific conference

«Problems of social and economic psychology: results and prospects of research»

dedicated to Laboratory of Social and Economic psychology IPRAS 50th anniversary

and 75th anniversary of academician of the RAS A.L. Zhuravlev

(7 - 8 December 2023, Moscow)

During the conference it is planned to discuss actual problems of social, economic and political psychology, consider the problem of relation of fundamental and applied research, ways of interaction between science and practice, determine the prospects for further development of social psychology and its branches in society's new development conditions.


1.Methodology and history of social psychology and its applied branches.

2. Social psychology of personality in a changing society

3.      Psychology of small groups actual problems.

4.       Problems of intergroup relationship psychology. Political psychology.

5.      The current state and trends in the development of economic psychology.

6.      Urban social psychology as an interdisciplinary direction. 

7.      Psychology of global processes, attitude to new technologies and interaction in online communities.

8.      Social-psychological problems in organizational psychology and management psychology.

9.      Future of social psychology: forecasting and promising areas of research.

 In course of conference, it is planned to hold a round table dedicated to the memory of outstanding social psychologists, their long-term experience of research activities in the Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Organizing committee of conference:

T.V. Drobysheva– chairman

N.N. Khashchenko– deputy chairman

A.E. Vorobieva – scientific secretary
S.V. Tarasov, I.V. Larionov– scientific secretary’s deputies  

Members of the organizing committee:

E.D. Dorofeev, K.B. Zuev, A.A. Kostrigin, P.V. Morozov, S.V. Tikhomirova, E.V. Tugareva, E.V. Kharitonova.


Conference program committee:

T.A. Nestik – chairman
T.P. Emelyanova – deputy chairman 
A.V. Yurevich– deputy chairman 

Members of the program committee:

Abdukadirova L.Yu. (Fergana, Uzbekistan), G.M. Avanesyan (Yerevan, Armenia), R.V.Aguzumtsyan (Yerevan, Armenia), F.A. Akramova (Fergana, Uzbekistan), G.V. Akopov (Samara, Russia), T.Y. Bazarov (Moscow, Russia), K.M. Gaidar (Voronezh, Russia), A.A.Grachev (Moscow, Russia), S.D. Gurieva (St. Petersburg, Russia), O.S. Deineka (St. Petersburg, Russia), T.V. Drobysheva (Moscow, Russia), R.F. Ibragimbekova (Baku, Azerbaijan), M.T. Isakova (Fergana, Uzbekistan), A.D. Karnyshev (Irkutsk, Russia), D.A. Kitova (Moscow, Russia), O.V. Krushelnitskaya (Moscow, Russia), V.A. Labunskaya (Rostov-on-Don, Russia),

A.N. Lebedev (Moscow, Russia), N.M. Lebedeva (Moscow, Russia), V.A. Mazilov (Yaroslavl, Russia), I.A. Mironenko (St. Petersburg, Russia), A.N.Neverov (Saratov, Russia), E. Paschenkode Preville (Sergy-Pontoise, France), M.A.Ponomareva (Minsk, Belarus), V.P. Poznyakov (Moscow, Russia), L.G. Pochebut (St. Petersburg, Russia), V.E. Semenov (St. Petersburg, Russia), S.V. Sarychev (Kursk, Russia), G.U. Soldatova (Moscow, Russia), A.V. Sukharev (Moscow, Russia), A.N. Tatarko (Moscow, Russia), O.A. Tikhomandritskaya (Moscow, Russia), S.V. Frolova (Saratov, Russia), I.A. Furmanov (Minsk, Belarus), V.A. Khashchenko (Moscow, Russia), R.M. Shamionov (Saratov, Russia). 

Address of the conference: Moscow, Yaroslavskaya st., 13/1, Institute of Psychology, RAS.  

Full-time participation in conference is assumed in two versions: sectional report with publication or a report without publication; correspondence participation – publication only. The option of participation must be selected when submitting an application. Certificates are issued to the participants of the conference.

Language of conference – Russian and English. 

The format of the conference involves the publication of articles in Russian or English in an electronic collection of scientific articles, which will be indexed in the RSCI database. Applications for participation in the conference and the texts of articles (not less than 12 thousand characters and not more than 20 thousand characters with a list of references) are accepted electronically until August 1, 2023 (inclusive). Articles of postgraduate students are accepted only with co-authorship of scientific supervisor. 

All received materials will be subject to review. Every received article must be accompanied by a license and publishing agreement on the transfer of non-exclusive rights to the work, filled in for all authors of materials. Articles without signed license will not be published. 

No registration fee is required. Travel, feed and residence is carried out due to the participants of conference. 

Organizing committee reserves the right to reject materials for publication without explanation in case of their inconsistence to the problems of conference, expected scientific level, requirements for thу design of articles and deadlines for submission. In this case, the license and publishing agreement will not be signed by the organizers of the conference.


Contacts:129366, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya st., 13/1. Institute of Psychology, RAS. 

Тел.: +7 (495) 682-72-70 (from 11 to 18 hours.)

 +7 (916) 667 52 34 – Vorobieva Anastasiya Evgenievna (scientific secretary of conference)

E-mail to contact organizing committee: 

Requirements for registration of an application for participation in the conference and articles for publication

 Text of an article and application for participation must be submitted on the site of conference: (rus) (eng). 

Registration of the application for participation and submission of the article are carried out in a single form. Applications and articles sent by e-mail will not be considered.

Application must be filled of every participant.

 Registration of an application for all authors of the article is a prerequisite for inclusion of the article in selection and participation in the conference. Maximum number of authors per article – 5. No more than 2 articles are accepted from one author (1 - individually, 1 — in co-authorship or 2 in co-authorship).

After reviewing, the authors of the articles accepted for publication must fill out and sign a License Agreement, which is also posted on the conference website:  Without License Agreement articles will not be published.

Requirements for the design of articles 

Only original scientific articles that do not require modifications and improvements are accepted for publications. Article must include following mandatory sections: 1) title of the article and the list of authors of the article, 2) abstract and key words (on Russian and English), 3) body of the article; 4) conclusion, 5) list of references, 6) information about thе author (authors), 7) title of the article, information about the author(s), abstract and key words in English if the article is presented in Russian; information about the author(s), abstract and key words in Russian, if the article is presented in English;

When making an article, Word editor must be used: Page format – A4 (210x297 mm), book orientation, font size – 12, type – Times New Roman Cyr, line spacing – 1.5, fields (upper, lower, left, right) – 2 cm; alignment – in width; paragraph indentation – 1,25 cm.  The article should not contain figures, tables and footnotes! 


The order of the article’s main sections:

The title of an article – put in lower case, bold letters, width alignment, without hyphenation. After the title, initials and (with space) last name (names) of author (authors), typed in bold letters, with center alignment (for example – A.A. Ivanov, V.V. Petrov). 

Abstract in language of the article – through the line from author’s names with paragraph indentation, without subtitle – must reflect main content of the report, describe main ideas, hypotheses and, briefly but meaningful, describe main results. Using rephrased title of the report as an annotation is not allowed. Annotation volume – 10-15 lines.


Keywords – with paragraph indentation – subtitle in italics (for example, Keywords:…) – 810 words or phrases that most accurately reflect the meaning of the report. Words are listed in lowercase letters separated by commas. No dot at the end. 

Body of the article - separated by a line from the key words, with paragraph indentation. Text may be divided into subsections at the discretion of the authors. Title should not contain hyphenation of words and must be typed in lowercase letters, bold, starting with uppercase (capital), left-aligned text. No dot at the end. Subsections are not numbered. Further categorization of the text into headings of the second and third levels is not recommended. The text is printed in accordance with the basic requirements. There should be no more than one space between the words. Spaces are not placed before the punctuation mark, between the bracket and the word, between the quotation mark and the word. The Russian text is placed in quotation marks of the following form: «....», English – “…”. If the text is typed in italics, then the quotes remain straight: «text», not «text».  

References are given among the text with indication of the author's surname and the year of publication. (for example: (Shorokhova, 1996), (Platonov, 1971; Shorokhova, Bobneva 1979)), when quoting verbatim, pages are indicated (for example, Platonov, 1972, pp. 72-73). 

Conclusion must be designed as «section» of the article, subtitle typed in lowercase letters, bold, starting with uppercase (capital), left-alignment text. Text of the conclusion starts from new line, as the main text. Conclusion must contain concentrated presentation of the results of the work and main findings. 

References to grants and other types of support for the results presented in the article, as well as acknowledgements are given at the end of the conclusion in a separate paragraph, in italics.

References. The subtitle (References) must be typed with lowercase letters, bold, leftaligned text. The list of sources – from next line, with paragraph indentation, numbered and arranged in alphabetical order, Russian-language sources are first, then foreign and internet sources. No more than 10 titles (see the requirements for the design of the list of references below).

Information about the authors includes full surname, name, middle name, scientific degrees and titles, position and place of work within city and country, e-mail for contact.

Information in English. Title of the article, initials and surname (s) of the author (s), the abstract and key words are repeated in English if article is presented on Russian (in Russian if article is presented in English). 

Information about the authors in English - in accordance with the information in Russian.  

Example of article design 

The image of the future in everyday consciousness of young people with different political attitudes

I.I. Petrov, V.A. Stepanov


The image of the future is considered as a phenomenon of everyday consciousness of

Russian youth. The image of the future correlates with political attitudes …... (10-15 letters)  

Keywords: (8-10 words)

Body of the article ……...


1.                 Ломов Б.Ф. Методологические и теоретические проблемы психологии / Отв. ред. Ю.М. Забродин, Е.В. Шорохова. М.: Изд-во «Наука», 1984.

2.                 Социальная психология. Учебное пособие / Отв. ред. А.Л. Журавлев. М.: ПЕР СЭ, 2002. 

Examples of the references list design:


  • Citation of the article in the book: Author. Title of the article // Title of the book / ed. by A.B. Ivanov, City: Publishing house, year, pp. 7-30. 
  • Citation of journal article: Author. Title of the article // Journal (accepted abbreviated title). Year. Volume. Issue. Pp. 12-20.
  • Citation of dissertation work: Author. Title of work. Dis. cand. biol. Sciences City, year.
  • Citation of the dissertation abstract: Author. Title of the work: Authoref. dis. … doct. Psychological sciences. City, year.
  • Citation of the Internet resource: The author. The name of the work. URL: address (date of reference: yyyy).

-                    The names of foreign-language works are given in accordance with the original (including the arrangement of uppercase and lowercase letters is preserved), are issued as Russian-language sources. However, when listing authors, a comma is not placed between the author's surname and his initials, the “&” symbol is not used. 

For the correct design of links, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the literature lists in the articles published in the Psychological Journal, as well as in the publication rules ( )